Submit Your Alternate Format Materials Request

Step 1: Log into Accommodate Portal

Step 2: Select 'Accommodation' then 'Alternative Format' on the left-hand toolbar

Step 2, selecting Alternative Format

Step 3: Accommodate defaults to the 'Current' semester and 'Official Text'

  • If your approved material(s) are listed under 'Official Text', select the materials you want included in your Alternative Format Request
Step 3, Official Text tab under Current tab


  • If your approved material(s) are not listed under 'Official Text', select 'Student Entered' then 'New Alternative Format Request' to add that material manually. You will need the following for a 'Student Entered' request:
Step 3, under Student Entered, selcting New Alternative Format Request
  • ISBN (the 13-digit number typically located on the back of a book, starts with '978-')
  • Book Title (include the edition number to ensure accuracy of materials)
  • Semester (drag and drop, or select 'upload file' to attach a single document) Each piece of documentation will require a separate submission
  • Proof of Purchase (drag and drop, or select 'upload file' to attach your proof of purchase, screen shots of materials purchased digitally are accepted as proof of purchase)
  • Preferred Format for Alt Text (what format would you prefer your material to be in, please note that your preference may not be available)
Step 3, Semester dropdown
Step 3, Preferred Format for Alt Text dropdown

Step 4: Select 'Submit' to complete your request