How to Make a Testing Appointment
Step 1: Login to the Accommodate Portal and navigate to the Testing Room tab.

Step 2: Once in the Testing Room tab, select 'New Booking Request'.

Step 3: From the dropdown menu under 'Course' select the course for which you need to take a test. Once you select a course, filters will appear to narrow down your testing date and time.

Step 4: Select your testing date. When you select the date box, a calendar will appear. Select the date you would like to take your test, please select the same date in both date boxes. You can also type in the dates.

Step 5: Indicate whether the test you need to take is a final exam or not, and choose Student Accessibility Services from the dropdown menu under 'Building'.

Step 6: If you require any accommodations for your test OTHER than your extra time and space, select 'Add' under 'Specific Accommodation Required. This will open a small window allowing you to choose any other approved accommodations you need, i.e. CCTV, Text-to-Speech, Computer for Typing, etc. Then select 'Done'.

Step 7: Once your filters have been chosen, select 'Check Availability'. Different times available for your appointment will appear on the righthand side. Select 'SAS Testing Center' next to the time you would like to take your test.

Step 8: A small window will open with your testing appointment information. Under Accommodation uncheck the box next to any accommodations you do not need to use for your test. You can also add any notes to notify the testing center. Once done, select 'Submit Request'.