Attendance Policy

Due to the high demand for Continual Support, students who are unresponsive and/or consistently failing to attend their meetings with the Learning and Accommodations Specialist and their team will be suspended from the program, but may reapply by scheduling an appointment with the Learning and Accommodations Specialist through Navigate360 using this link.

Consistant Session Absence and/or Unresponsiveness*

First, Second, and Third missed meetings:

  • Continual Support meeting will be marked as 'NO SHOW' in Navigate360 for student viewing and the Navigate360 system will automatically notify the student of the missed meeting.

After the Third missed meeting:

  • The student will be contacted through the Navigate360 system to notify them that they will be suspended from the Continual Support Program if they do not attend their next scheduled meeting. 

*Students showing a pattern of attending meetings periodically, but skipping meetings consistently, will have the Learning and Accommodations Specialist discuss their enrollment in the Continual Support Program at their next attended meeting.